
Ocak, 2022 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Five Cozy Superfood Lattes To Spice Up Your Mornings

  Five Cozy Superfood Lattes To Spice Up Your Mornings   The popular beverage that many people enjoy is  Chai Tea Latte . This drink has been a part of the Indian culture for hundreds of years, and it is typically served in spiced black tea. Chai Tea Latte can also be found in coffee shops, and it comes as an iced version as well. Many people enjoy this drink without cutting out the caffeine because it offers flavor with minimal fat and calories.   Many people have added different spices to their own personal tastes such as ginger or even chocolate syrup. It is also possible to add a splash of milk or even almond milk. Some people enjoy their Chai Tea Latte with just a little bit of water and caffeine because it allows them to drink it before eating breakfast.   Like many vegan mixtures, this golden milk is made from pureed cooked fruit (I used mashed banana and mango) flavored with many spices and served warm. Aside from some fat-free coconut cream,...